Cydney Mayfield
Executive Director
Cydney Mayfield has been the Executive Director of Marshall Saline Development Corporation since July 2022. Cydney’s background is 15 years in municipal law serving as City Attorney, County Counselor, and special counsel to many Missouri municipalities and municipal government entities. Cydney has assisted in the establishment of tax increment financing districts, community improvement districts, and transportation development districts. She earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Missouri Columbia, and her law degree from the University of Iowa. Cydney’s primary focus and passion is with small business and entrepreneurs. Cydney’s key piece of advice for someone looking to start a business is to make sure you have all the tools you can before you start, and a good way to do that is through taking a LaunchU class through MSDC and State Fair Community College and reading Diana Kander’s book All In Startup.